
Corporate principles and values
We help our clients successfully and promptly solve their problems and tasks, as well as contribute to improving the efficiency of their business. In fulfilling our professional duty, we rely on generally accepted norms of morality, corporate principles and values.
When reviewing and preparing opinions on any professional issues, WE USE an unbiased, open-minded approach that cannot be influenced.
Our corporate policy in the field of quality of expert services provided by us is applicable both to official state institutions and public organizations, as well as to private business entities operating in the market.
In order to comply with the requirements of international business standards and business ethics , SOEX applies the provisions of the Code of Conformity . Managers at all levels have been trained and put into practice the requirements of the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business. The Charter provided for the introduction by companies of special anti-corruption programs that concern not only the situation within companies, but also relations with business partners and with the state.
If you have any information about our employees extorting bribes, delaying the provision of services, offering questionable or illegal transactions, please report it to our compliance officers!
Contacts of the Compliance Committee of the ANO SOYUZEXPERTIZA CCI RF:
G.G. Petrov, Director of the Compliance Committee:
I.V. Klochkov, Director of Compliance Program:
Phone: +7 (495) 660-58-68